Imagine being able to get a glimpse of the future. What could you do with a minute, a day, or a decade of insight? You can change the world. Our clients are not blindsided by the future. As a client, you will be exposed to insight and knowledge ahead of your competitors.
Advisory clients gain the advantage of a unique and diverse global network; insight and information into major trends and global events; and advice on strategic initiatives. As a client, you and your company are inoculated from disruption and will be able to confidently manage and thrive during times of fear and uncertainty.
PLEASE NOTE: This service is by referral only. Interested organizations without a referral may request an “Applied Innovation Readiness” workshop.
Corporate Training
We will work with your organization to build an internal capacity for solving complex problems.
We specialize in delivering training in the Applied Innovation Process. This will culminate in Professional Applied Innovator (P.AIn) designation.
We also work with partners, Global Innovation Management Institute and The Logistics Institute to deliver certification and training.
Pro Bono
We have a commitment to making the world a better place for everyone on the planet and those that come after us. If your business is a social enterprise, collective, or non-profit and meets at least two of the following:
women owned,
minority owned,
LGBTQ* owned,
immigrant owned,
veteran owned, or
operating in a developing country
we are happy to provide pro bono and/or at cost services.
Innovation Management Office
“Innovation” and “Disruption” are two of the most overused and misunderstood words in business today. Our clients know the difference and have developed and transformed their organizations to thrive in a world of 360°competition.
Beginning with an entire Organizational Review, Innovation Network Assessment, and development of an Applied Innovation Portfolio; we set-up, build, and maintain an Innovation Management Office. This is an exclusive unit focused on identifying and solving the most complex problems that your organization faces.
PLEASE NOTE: This service is by referral only. Interested organizations without a referral may request an “Applied Innovation Readiness” workshop.
Breakfast series
Scheduled over a series of weeks, we work with your organization to offer a thought leadership series.
The breakfast series provides insight into global trends and innovation challenges that directly affect your industry or the industry of your clients.
The series is designed to increase productivity for employees and provide a unique added value experience for clients.
We are all teachers. In fact, everyone working with Mayor Wilson is required to teach something within a year of working with us. Over the last 10 years we have been fortunate enough to teach on five different continents and a dozen different countries. In addition to directly engaging students, we also have a “train the trainer” model to build capacity.
Innovation is as much about team work as it is about a constant drive to learn. There is no better way to do both than a commitment to teach. We work with Secondary, Colleges, Universities, and Corporate Campuses to teach Applied Innovation, Leadership, Entrepreneurship/Intrapreneurship, and Change Management. We have existing curriculum for Social innovation/Applied Innovation or we can customize curriculum.
Guest Speaker
We are regular speakers on topics of Innovation, Leadership, Change Management, Entrepreneurship, and Adaptation around the world.
Talks can be given as a keynote, lecture series, panel facilitation and can range in length from 15 minutes to 90 minutes plus Q&A.
Audience sizes can be intimate for Board or Senior Leadership Retreats, Academic classrooms, Company-wide town halls, or large Conferences.
Requirements: All travel expenses and speaker fee must be paid in advance. Organizations sponsoring a talk must also work with speaker to set-up a pro bono talk for a non-profit organization in the community the talk is being given.
For organizations looking to breakthrough innovation roadblocks or begin an innovation challenge.
Workshops are designed to be done for a half-day or one day for specific breakthrough challenges, or to take place over the course of a week as part of a larger training as a kick-off / follow-up to innovation challenges.
Weeklong workshops can be paired with P.AIn Certification for all attendees.
Social Impact and Network Measurement
We want to help you increase your impact.
It is not enough to provide funding, when your organization makes an investment into a community through granting or sponsorship, you want to ensure that every dollar you spend can be accounted for and contribute to making a positive difference.
We work with grant making organizations, corporate social responsibility departments, NGOs, and Governments to identify grant making opportunities and maximize impact.
We will quantify the impact of each dollar that you spend across all programs and can also map the network where you can maximize your impact giving based on granting criteria set by your organization.